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o·ver·whelm·ing : very great in amount



I've always loved this word for some reason, it adds a sense of greatness to whatever you're saying afterward. Like, compare "I have work" vs. "I have an overwhelming amount of work." It just sounds different. Sounds flavourful (haha). But imagine putting that word beside a characteristic of God.

The characteristics of God are already so abounding and full. Through reading the Bible, I've witnessed so much love, joy, peace, righteousness, grace, you name it, that God pours on His people. But for today, I'd like to focus on love. Overwhelming love. He provides such love in great amounts to me every day and so often that it never fails to amaze me.

Here are 5 personal ways God shows me His overwhelming love in my life:

  1. My parents. I think my parents have been through a lot to get to where we are now. When I think about how much they love me and the sacrifices they made for me, I always find myself asking, "if this is how much my parents love me, how much greater is God's love for me?" My parent's love is just earthly love. Imagining how much more love God gives me puts me in awe each time.

  2. My surroundings. Take a quick 30-second look out your window. Whether you see trees, flowers, buildings, roads, or cars, do you ever just think "wow"? When I see nature, I see the concept of His beauty. The God that created all things around us is the same God that created me. The beauty found in these surroundings shows me just how much God loves this world and how much love He has for all of us.

  3. The details in life. Being a Kinesiology student, if we look at the specific anatomy of a human, we are VERY intricate beings. Some basic details like the tiny flap (epiglottis) in your throat that opens and closes to prevent food from entering the lungs, OR even just seeing how your own eyes (iris) dilate and constrict according to the amount of light seen (Do you see these small, tiny details that play such large roles in our lives?? Amazing). Just by seeing such detail in my own self, I can witness such amazing love for me. He created me with detail and for a purpose.

  4. The people I have around me. This includes friends, mentors, leaders, and even acquaintances! Without a doubt, I can truly say that God has placed so many people in my life to help me grow through problems and simply life! By seeing how deeply other people love and care for me, I sense a greater feeling of God by my side. Through these people, I am able to see God's love and be able to give such love to others as well.

  5. Where I am in life now. Even my current state and faith shows me that God loves me. I've been through many ups and downs but I still find that God has never given up on me. Through suffering, He wishes that I grow stronger to trust in Him more. Even when I sin, I know that He still loves me and waits for me to turn back to Him. It's different knowing that someone is always by my side no matter how many times I've failed and disappointed them. Everything I've gone through and will go through shows me His immense love for me as His child. I'm excited to continue to grow more and more and experience His love for me in the future!

Now, it's your turn! I encourage whoever's reading this, to take some time and think about your own life and some ways God has shown you His love too!

A prayer that I have right now is to be more abounding in love and extend this love outwardly.

Lord, I thank you, for your overwhelming love.


[1 Corinthians 16:14] Let all that you do be done in love.

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2 comentarios

Amelia Arrows
Amelia Arrows
26 may 2020

Thank you for reminding me of what it means to slow down and be aware of God's presence in our lives!

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Rachel In
Rachel In
25 may 2020

Wow I really love this! It definitely got me to think about all the grace God has poured into my life. Thanks for sharing <3

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Our Mission: The reason we created this blog is to glorify God by learning how He is working in the lives of other students. We want this to be a place where Christian students in Toronto can learn and share about God's grace and glory.  

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