You've heard it before, but 2020 is definitely the year that flipped things upside down. With COVID19, cancelling of plans and things we wanted to do, we're sitting at home wishing for 2021 to hurry up.
The more I think about it, the more I think that 2020 is a blessing in disguise. Sure, we could pin the blame on how this year is disastrous, but I believe God is taking this opportunity to teach us something. 2020 might have instilled fear and allowed the enemy to worm its way into our hearts and minds, but God is showing us His glory, love, and mighty power.
Personally, I had big plans. I was going to continue another semester abroad but it got cancelled, delaying my graduation date altogether. At first, I was a bit upset. I spent so much time and work getting to where I was and I had a plan to graduate on time. I felt like I was being left behind and I questioned a lot of my previous decisions, asking the question: did I make a mistake?
But we know that we can never estimate or know for sure what God's next move is. We know He has a plan for us, but we don't necessarily know every single detail or step that lies in his blueprint. So I could think that maybe there was a way to prevent my failures and sulk about it, or I could just move on.
While taking a gap semester and preparing to take summer classes online, being at home allowed me to take a breather to think and meditate. Life gets busy, but there was a time where I was very stressed I neglected God in a lot of my life. Despite being involved in church and other activities, it is easy to feel out of the loop or not into it. This period of quarantine allowed reflection, addressing my inner turmoil and emotions, and asking God: what's the next step?
I was dealing with problems from community, family, and friends. I kept worrying, being anxious asking "what do I do next?" After living in this stage of comfort and predictability, embracing a huge change was very daunting. But then I read a bible plan about Worry.
One verse that stuck out to me was Philippians 4:6;
"Don't worry about anything. No matter what happens, tell God about everything. Ask and pray and give thanks to him." (NIRV)
One of the key pointers in that devotion is something I want to share with you. Fear itself which causes worry is not from God. Worry is like a thief that steals from you, whether it be your mind, peace, job, security, health and much more. Trust in the fact that God is your protector and stand firm in your faith in Him. Just like how we use preventative measures so we don't get robbed in our homes, do the same with your mind to prevent the enemy attacking you.
Knowing this, we can ask and come to God in our vulnerability. What worries you, what scares you is temporary. God knows the direction you have to take. Whether it be placing you in a different location entirely or introducing new people into your life. Embrace this period of change, and allow yourself to delve into a deeper intimate relationship with God. No one can dictate it, since that is your personal time with Him.
Don't let this year be a "bad" year, but let it become a blessing. For me, 2020 is transformative and is exactly what we need. We need to appreciate what we have and take a step back. Has God revealed something new to you during this pandemic?